Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Why food riots are likely to become the new normal |
The key issue, of course, is climate change.
Wind Farms Paid £10,000 A Day To Sit Idle In Blustery Conditions | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
Consumer groups are calling for an audit of the costs of wind farms after it emerged that operators are receiving additional and lucrative payments not to generate in blustery weather.
Obama’s Climate Policy And The US Constitution | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
The US Constitution created a template by which the various branches of government could exercise checks and balances on each other. At the core of that is the notion that writing laws are the purview of Congress. When a president assumes the right to draft, pass and then enforce laws in areas like global warming, where Congress has expressly refused to act on the subject, it is a sign of a lack of respect for the constitutional process.
Saudi America: US Is Turning Into World’s Largest Oil Producer | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
The rise of the US to become the world’s largest petroleum producer in November is another important milestone in America’s new era of energy abundance, and reflects the importance of the breakthrough, revolutionary extraction technologies (hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling) that have brought a true shale energy revolution to “Saudi America.”
Arctic Sea Ice Records And The Great Storm Of 2012 | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
2012 was an unusual year for Arctic sea ice melt with a two-month extra decrease induced by the storm. Therefore one should be careful about placing it into context as a record-breaking continuation of the general decline. The record low of 2012 was a result of a special circumstances.

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