Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bummer: As Vermont enjoys what may be the biggest maple syrup crop in modern time, we're told that CO2 might destroy the maple syrup industry

First Peoples Worldwide » Maple Syrup Threatened by Climate Change
The trees are also fed up with climate change. In a phenomenon known as tree migration, maple trees are moving further north and up mountain slopes– a study by UVM ecologist Brian Beckage found that tree species in Vermont have shifted 90 meters since 1964, seeking colder climates.
Climate change experts predict that the maple sugaring industry could be wiped out by 2100, destroying a $65 million business and taking with it centuries of agricultural practices rooted in traditional indigenous knowledge.
Banner year for Vt. maple syrup doesn't mean sweet deals - Vermont
"I think 2013 will be the biggest crop in modern time," Marvin said. "It's a big crop in Vermont, particularly in the warmer areas. It's a very big crop in Quebec and much of the upper Midwest had a short season, but a very good season, so people are either happy or very happy."
Maple syrup production strong | Wisconsin
“It’s been the best season is maybe 15, 20 years,” said Larry Koy, who collects maple syrup at his hobby farm in the town of Dewey. “The sugar quality has been really good.”

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