Saturday, April 27, 2013

Leading Dutch Blog/Economist Slams Schellnhuber: “Completely Detached From Reality…Alice In Wonderland”!
First Labohm describes the IPCC process as being in a “zombie state” and the Stakeholer Conference as something that is “part of a climate ritual that has dragged on for decades.” and involves a gaggle of people who “earn their living by maintaining the climate hype.” According to Labohm, Schellnhuber’s speech was characterized by ”cherry picking”, “spin” and “scare-mongering”.
Fishermen feel the pinch as cold weather keeps lobsters dormant | The Times
Lobster could soon be off the menu at some of Britain’s top restaurants because cold weather around the Scottish coast has led to stocks of the shellfish plummeting.
California to spend CO2 market revenue to boost public transit - News - Point Carbon
SAN FRANCISCO, April 26 (Reuters Point Carbon) – California’s released a draft plan on Thursday for how to spend the up to $600 million it expects to raise from the sale of carbon emission permits this year, which prioritizes low-carbon transit programs like its high-speed rail project and investing in "low-carbon" communities.
Merkel Says Clean-Energy Policy Must Allow Profits for Gas - Bloomberg
Merkel has been trying to prevent a voter backlash as costs to expand clean energy surged after the country sought to more than triple the share of renewables in its power mix by 2050 while phasing out nuclear generation.

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