Wednesday, April 10, 2013

UN: Air pollution kills more than AIDS, malaria — RealityDrop: Enviros failed to produce a single body in the 2 years we’ve been asking |
Hogwash. Show us a body… someone killed by ambient air pollution… even from China or India. So far the enviros have produced not a one.
South Dakota Gets 20″ of Global Warming
A record 20 inches of snow fell in Rapid City Tuesday. Forecasters from the National Weather Service say the city in South Dakota’s Black Hills also set a record low, 11 degrees, on Tuesday.
Global Warming Causes Cold Winters – A Research Error
The cold and snow are extreme this year. Researchers say this is due to global warming. An uncalled assumption, behind of which seems to be a logical reason.
Global cooling in Europe - Politics - The Detroit News
Paris, France – From Anglicanism to Catholicism, Europe’s history is full of state-based religion. In secular 21st century Europe, the unofficial state religion is the GreenChurch. Environmentalism inspires a devout, pro-Kyoto devotion here quite different than the more skeptical American outlook.

But France’s strident green political and media voices are curiously silent this year. Perhaps it’s the bone-chilling spring.
The Electric Car Is Dead All Over Again | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
The dream of an electric car that’s both affordable and practical has eluded automakers, and will likely do so for another decade.

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