Sunday, April 21, 2013

Warmist Amy Huva on how to deal with people who refuse to believe in the most massive scientific fraud in human history: Avoid them, or yell at them to shut up, or compare them to racists

Dealing with climate change denial, Australian-style | Amy Huva - The Vancouver Observer
The [climate realist] continued his tirade, when a wonderful moment of blunt Australianism happened as another audience member stood up and yelled across the theatre ‘either ask a question or sit down and shut up!’

Oh, Australia – how I miss you and your lack of Canadian politeness sometimes!
However entertaining the climate denier was (and I pity Professor Karoly who had to listen to the man rant at him immediately after the presentation), it does pose an interesting question as to how we should engage with climate deniers who are the scientific equivalent of ‘flat earthers’.

When people are so entrenched in their own ideology that they simply refuse to see or believe the overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change, how much time should we give them? Is there any point in trying to ‘debate’ with someone who just wants to shout at you that you’re wrong?

Personally, I try and avoid climate deniers. There’s only so much energy a person has and only so much time in the day,
...In the same way that some people have to avoid talking about race with their grandparents to avoid their awkwardly racist comments; some people just don’t want to see the reality of humanity’s climate challenge and refuse to be convinced.
...The Australian-style response to such denial was surprisingly refreshing for me
Amy Huva | The Vancouver Observer
Amy Huva is an environmental chemist and writer from Melbourne, Australia who worked for the Australian Federal Government on agricultural water reform and the Montreal Protocol. She is currently working in the environmental sector in Vancouver, Canada.

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