Friday, May 31, 2013

Attention, Minnesota parents who've shivered through your kids' soccer and baseball games all "spring": Some guy claims that your life will be "hell" if it warms up by a degree or two over the next few decades

[Investigative historian] Eric Zuesse: Global Warming Will Be Hell, Dramatic New Data Indicate
...This evidence indicates that global poverty will soar as a direct result of global warming.

Already the hottest countries - the ones nearest to the equator - are overwhelmingly the poorest countries, averaging only about 2% of the per-capita annual incomes of countries like in North America, Europe, and Australia, and Japan, all of which are more than 3,000 miles from the equator. Global warming is going to make the climates in the richer countries more like the ones already are near the equator. Given the established relationship between climate and income, the signs of a sharp long-term economic decline in nations such as the U.S. are clear.

1 comment:

Zookeeper said...

If the authors had said skin pigmentation determined wealth, they'd have been slaughtered.

Don't tell Singapore that heat makes you poor.