Sunday, May 05, 2013

From an intensely stupid Salon article by left-winger Alexander Zaitchik: "It will provide only the emptiest kind of gratification when the right-wing denial machine collides with its own economic interests and drowns"

Getting rich off global warming - Alexander Zaitchik -
“I hadn’t even heard the term ‘adaptation’ a month ago,” [Michael Hughes, director of public works for the Chicago suburb of Elmhurst] told me, taking a bite.
...“A couple of years ago, I’d get thrown out of meetings for talking about climate change and the need to adapt,” said a Maryland official.  [Which meetings, specifically?  Why not provide some actual names, dates and places?]
“I predict there will be 30,000 to 50,000 climate and adaptation professionals in the next decade or so, up from the current low-single-digit thousands,” said Kreeger.
...But as the impacts of climate change intensify, front-line public servants like Mike Hughes will look for guidance and resources from federal agencies like NOAA.
And yeah, it’s pronounced “Noah.”
Predictably, the Republicans, America’s creationist party, have done their best to retard U.S. efforts to catch up.
It will provide only the emptiest kind of gratification when the right-wing denial machine collides with its own economic interests and drowns.
...a deep voice arose from the back of the room. It belonged to a mountain-shaped man named Clayton Honyumptewa, director of natural resources for the Hopi Nation.
“Our ancestors predicted all of this,” he said to no one in particular. “The weather changing, destroying the land and the water and the animals. They told us, ‘The white man will come, and everything will die.’”   [Aside from the racism of that statement, how much CO2 would we need to emit to cause everything to die?]
It was a long couple of beats before anybody said a word.

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