Sunday, May 05, 2013

Quietest Year On Record For US Forest Fires | Real Science
2013 is having the coldest spring on record, the fewest tornadoes on record, and also the fewest forest fires on record.
Record cold May in Iceland - 17.6 below zero
36 year old record cold for May in Iceland has been broken. In Grímsstaðir á Fjöllum the temperature was measured 17.6°C below zero (0.32°F) a couple of days ago. The old record was -17.4°C in Möðrudalur á Fjöllum. The Icelandic Meteorological Office predicts continuing cold, especially in the north of Iceland.
Royal Society scientists angered by Prince Andrew's election as fellow | Science |
After more than 350 years of largely happy association with assorted royalty the UK's pre-eminent scientific institution, the Royal Society, faces unprecedented dissent from members after Prince Andrew was elected to become a fellow of the organisation.
Twitter / [Scott "Super" Mandia]
In case anybody needs reminding: Global Warming is making hurricanes worse. Disagree? Tell that to 71,000 NYers.
Baffled German Government Concedes! “Global Warming Has Stopped…Warming Pause Is Remarkable…Unexpected”
At this point Kirchhof of Green radio of the German Federal Department of the Environment are finally admitting that there are suddenly many more unknowns than they first thought, that the warmist scientists are indeed baffled, and that the science is not settled after all.

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