Sunday, May 05, 2013

The dog that did not bark | Digging in the Clay
“What caused the 0.8 K global warming since 1850”? If CO2 lived up to Arrhenius’ expectations we would be in no doubt at all.
Duke hires ‘the major public voice on obesity’ to head public policy school |
Would you listen to this man lecture you on what you eat?
The New Nostradamus of the North: Die Welt about the total failure of Germany's heavily subsidized solar and biofuel industries
The total failure of Angela Merkel's "green" energy policy is becoming more evident every day. The quality daily Die Welt now reports that the billions of subsidies to the solar and biofuel industries have been a total waste of German taxpayers' money.

Only a few years ago the German government proudly let it be known that these two eco-industries soon would overtake the traditional machine engineering and car industries and provide jobs for hundreds of thousands Germans.
Lewandowsky et al 2013: surveying Peter to report on Paul | Watts Up With That?
A number of things can now be confirmed. The authors of Lewandowsky et al 2013 did not survey skeptical blogs. The websites that carried the survey have neither a broad readership, nor represented skeptical readers and commenters. The authors did not survey any readers at the website Skepticalscience, but represent their data and findings as though they did. Lastly, the authors’ calculations in assessing survey exposure, which they base on the same Skepticalscience, are shown to be wrong.

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