Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hansen on the recent lack of global warming: Hey, did we mention that solar fluctuations, other factors ("some of which are not measured very well"), and "natural variability" are also important?

Does anybody remember Hansen talking a lot about non-CO2 factors back when it was warming?

Climate Scientist Hansen Turns Activist, Advocates 'Fee' on Carbon Pollution - Bloomberg
[Hansen]: When you look at a short period, it's hard to have statistically significant warming. But the rate has been less in the past decade than the prior three decades.

It’s normal. There's no reason to believe that the temperature is going to be linear. There are a couple of reasons to believe it would be less. Since the 1970s [how about before that?]we have been measuring the sun very precisely, and we know that this last solar cycle is the weakest of them all.

But there are other factors involved, some of which are not measured very well, including human-made aerosols [which cause cooling].

Then there's just a natural variability. We've had in the last few years two strong La Ninas. That's just a natural oscillation of tropical temperature. The 1998 El Nino was a record one, and that causes warming. The La Ninas cause a global cooling. When you have a big warming at the beginning and two La Ninas at the end, that tends to give you a negative trend.

1 comment:

chris y said...

This is top nonsense. The top climate scientist in the world settled this science years ago-

"As we shall see, the small forces that drove millennial climate changes are now overwhelmed by human forcings.”
Hansen et al., 2003 article, Columbia University

Oh, wait...