Sunday, May 05, 2013

Hawaii in Climate Change Bullseye
the good news is that there will be fewer tropical cyclones. The bad news is they will be stronger, longer lived, with have longer tracks that and steer more towards Hawaii.
Into The Valley Of Death Rode The 600, Into The Valley Of 400 PPM Road The 7 Billion | ThinkProgress
Humanity isn’t making a suicidal charge into an artillery brigade, of course. And what we are accelerating toward is less a cliff than a brick wall — but it is no less self-evident how self-destructive it is
What Does Half-a-Million in Science Grants Buy You? | NoFrakkingConsensus
An academic paper funded by two National Science Foundation grants bears no relation to the intended purpose of that money.
Study: Vehicle exhaust and industrial emissions reduce global warming |
Organic vapors cause clouds to reflect more solar radiation.
Twitter / LittleIceAge: Some attempt of sanity to stop ...
Some attempt of sanity to stop the EU climate madness!

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