Sunday, May 12, 2013


FACE OFF: Stephen Mulholland versus climate science — 'Global warming is mythical nonsense' | Business Times | South Africa
Cut through this mumbo-jumbo and what we have is yet another state scheme to garner into its spendthrift hands more of our hard-earned money.

Ah, so. What this social engineer wants to do is to change our behaviour by raising the bogey of environmental damage due to climate change through global warming. And he wants us to pay for the privilege.

But global warming is mythical nonsense.
NOAA Debunks 400 ppm CO2 Panic: Last time CO2 at 400 ppm Earth was ‘much warmer than today’ and sea-level was 10-20 meters higher |
So it doesn’t sound like CO2 is too has much to do with temperature or sea-level.
Still waiting for spring in Minnesota | Watts Up With That?
Oh, and it was snowing earlier today in Duluth, MN. On May 11th.
Let's have a laugh at Peter Gleick
Despite his acknowleged thievery a little while ago, Peter Gleick seems to be back in the good books of Warmists. Why not? Dishonesty is part and parcel of Warmism.

Peter hasn't got any brighter, though. He is one of the chorus noting the latest figures from Mauna Loa which catalog the relentless rise of atmospheric CO2 -- a rise which is already benefiting third world agriculture as plants find it easier to drag in their basic building blocks. The steady rise at Mauna Loa has passed what Warmists seem to see (for no obvious scientific reason) as a watershed mark -- the level of 400ppm. So Peter seems to be having a bit of an orgasm over this particular point in the rise of CO2

Peter fails to come to grips with another fact, however: That temperature is not rising too. Wasn't a CO2 rise supposed to cause a temperature rise? Wasn't that the basic thesis of Warmism? So if the present CO2 level is so remarkable, isn't it equally remarkable that temperature has not risen too? Surely what we are looking at is a remarkable disproof of Warmism?

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