Tuesday, May 21, 2013


EDF Climate [Hoax] Corps Turns Over a New Leaf
Today, Environmental Defense Fund launched a new class of EDF Climate Corps fellows to catalyze energy savings in organizations around the country. This year’s class is bigger than ever – with 116 students placed in 106 different organizations.
Twitter / BjornLomborg: Boxer blames Oklahoma tornadoes ...
Boxer blames Oklahoma tornadoes on global warming. No justification, just tasteless political exploitation.
Time for civil disobedience | Greenpeace International
Non-violent direct action can help re-establish a balance where our rights have been overtaken by the self interest of powerful economic elites, willing to sacrifice our children’s future for their short term gain and profit.
Twitter / bruneski [Sierra Club chief Michael Brune]
President #Obama can make a strong commitment to fight #climate change. Or pursue an "all of the "above" fuels policy. He can't do both.
It Only Took Five Minutes for Democrats to Politicize the Oklahoma Tornado - The Rush Limbaugh Show
RUSH: It took five minutes. Five minutes. It only took five minutes before the Democrat Party politicized the tornado in Oklahoma. They politicize everything, folks. They rub their hands together in glee when there is a natural disaster that they think they can spin in such a way as to advance their political agenda. If any of you doubt that global warming is a political issue and not a science issue, then you must open your mind and consider why in the world, ask yourself, why in the world, five minutes after the news hits of this horrible destruction, a Democrat senator, Sheldon Whitehouse, runs out and starts talking about global warming and blaming the tornado on global warming.

1 comment:

Doug Cotton said...

Without gravity acting to restore the thermodynamic equilibrium which is stipulated in the Second Law of Thermodynamics (which says: "An isolated system, if not already in its state of thermodynamic equilibrium, spontaneously evolves towards it. Thermodynamic equilibrium has the greatest entropy amongst the states accessible to the system") and thus, as a direct corollary of that Law, supporting (at the molecular level) an autonomous thermal gradient, then ...

(1) The temperature at the base of the troposphere on Uranus would be nowhere near as hot as 320K because virtually no direct Solar radiation gets down there, and there is no surface at that altitude. The planet's radiating temperature is under 60K because it receives less than 3W/m^2.

(2) The temperature of the Venus surface would be nowhere near as hot as 730K (even at the poles) because it receives only about 10% as much direct Solar radiation at its surface as does Earth at its surface.

(3) Jupiter would be nowhere near as hot, even in its core, which receives extra kinetic energy which was converted by gravity from gravitational potentential energy due to the continual collapsing of this gaseous planet. This is why Jupiter emits more radiation than it receives.

(4) The core of our Moon would be nowhere near as hot as it is thought to be, probably over 1000K.

(5) Earth's surface would indeed be perhaps 20 to 40 degrees colder, and the core, mantle and crust nowhere near as hot, maybe no molten material at all.

Think about it! If you're not sure why, it's explained in Sections 4 to 9 and Section 15 here.