Friday, May 24, 2013


Shock News : Sea Level Has Risen 120 Metres | Real Science
Climate experts say that sea level rise is due to your SUV, but it was actually due to Fred Flintstone.
- Bishop Hill blog - A whiff of the Sunday Sport
Having failed to reply to Matt Ridley's request to respond to Myles Allen's critique, Damian Carrington and his band of merry men have responded with another, but rather grubbier, attack in the same direction, this time from Nuccitelli.

Given that even Nuccitelli's co-authors at Skeptical Science have pointed to his misrepresenting those who disagree with him, and given the car crash of his article about Nic Lewis the other day, a reputable newspaper would steer clear. But when you haemorrhaging money, I guess the priorities are different.
Environmentalists question whether Brown's climate change actions match his rhetoric - Daily Democrat Online
some environmentalists say Brown's actions don't match his green rhetoric -- particularly his diversion of $500 million in cap-and-trade fee revenues away from clean-energy and pollution abatement projects and into a one-year loan to help California balance its books.
UC Berkeley professor Anthony Barnosky, in presenting the report to Brown, noted the governor was "instrumental in spurring us to do this," starting with a phone call Brown made to Barnosky urging him and other climate-change scientists to "shout it from the rooftops."
Don't delay on renewable energy, government told
The sooner the UK makes large investments in low-carbon generation – including offshore and onshore wind, nuclear power and energy from waste – the cheaper it will be, according to David Kennedy, chief executive of the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), the statutory body that advises ministers on meeting emissions targets.

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