Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Oklahoma tornado: Daily Show creator Lizz Winstead faces backlash over insensitive tweet | Mail Online
She thought she was making a topical political joke, but a co-creator of ‘The Daily Show’ managed to enrage many of her followers after tweeting joke about the Oklahoma tornado’s political motivations.

‘This tornado is in Oklahoma so clearly it has been ordered to only target conservatives,’ wrote comedian Lizz Winstead, in a tweet, around 3:30 Monday afternoon.
Is climate change making tornadoes worse? | SciGuy | a Chron.com blog
Nevertheless, when it comes to tornadoes and a warmer world, science really cannot say at this time. The basic fact of the Moore, Okla., tornado is that the town is smack dab in the middle of the Central Plains, where there are frequent collisions of warm, moist air from the south and cold air from further north, and there are no land features to block the flow of air between these two disparate air masses.

So there are lots of tornadoes.
Answers « the Air Vent
So all you skeptics want answers to how much warming we should expect from adding CO2 to the atmosphere? An interesting new study has been released which matches quite closely to Nic Lewis’s work. The difference is that 14 of the authors are lead-coordinating lead authors of the pending AR5 IPCC report.
The Lewandowsky Papers » Climate Resistance
Lewandowsky’s work unwittingly demonstrates that what is passed off as peer-reviewed and published ‘science’, even in today’s world, is no more scientific than the worst ramblings of the least qualified and nuttiest climate change denier on the internet.

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