Friday, May 24, 2013


Is Australia the Face of Climate Change to Come?
"The one-in-a-hundred-year flooding event is going to happen every year, or even a bit more often," Steffen said.
Colorado's state climatologist says the High Park Fire granted him the permission, courage to talk about climate change. | The Coloradoan |
“I don’t know a lot of farmers that believe in the whole global warming thing,” said Gail Meisner, a member of the Larimer County Agricultural Advisory Board and Rocky Mountain Farmers Union in Wellington. “I’m very skeptical about it myself. If you look at history, this Earth started as a ball of fire. It’s a constant change, and, yeah, I’m not saying humans don’t contribute to it, but it’s something, it’s just the way it is. It’s always changed.”
Twitter / clim8resistance: Greenpeace forgets all that ...
Greenpeace forgets all that coal power plant being built in Germany, and the high prices paid by the consumer.
Left-Wing Think Tank Hoist By Its Own Corporate Funding Petard | Somewhat Reasonable
It is so very tempting for me to cackle with glee upon seeing this story yesterday in The Nation (of all places): “The Secret Donors Behind the Center for American Progress and Other Think Tanks.” I will resist, but the irony is thick — and the schadenfreude is calling to me louder than a two-for-a-dollar cheeseburger special at Five Guys.

A leftist publication is upbraiding America’s leading liberal think tank for taking donations from eeeevvvvillll corporations? Bring on the smelling salts — not for me, but for the readership of The Nation and those poor souls who rely on only the mainstream media for news and commentary and think only right-leaning think tanks accept corporate donations.

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