Thursday, May 23, 2013

Warmist Franny Armstrong, on the alleged threat of trace amounts of CO2: "Should we stockpile cyanide? You think I'm exaggerating, but a close friend of mine, who has four children, said she plans to kill herself and them when it comes to it"

We've passed 400ppm: now what? | Spanner Films
[Franny Armstrong] ..Which means that we are heading for an even worse scenario than the one we depicted in The Age of Stupid: Africa uninhabitable, continental Europe mostly desert, Australia's agricultural system destroyed, hundreds of major cities underwater, hundreds of millions of people dead and many more on the move.
-> Should we go into survivalist mode, buying up guns and fortifying our homes? It sounds extreme, but it's not a coincidence that some people working on climate change are buying pieces of land far away from centres of population to move their families
-> Should we stockpile cyanide? You think I'm exaggerating, but a close friend of mine, who has four children, said she plans to kill herself and them when it comes to it.
Twitter / Foxgoose: @Roddy_Campbell @aDissentient ...
@Roddy_Campbell @aDissentient I always feared the green lunatics were heading towards Jonestown - now it looks like it might be happening.


pinroot said...

They started a few years ago:

Anonymous said...

Sheesh. What an amateur.

Frau Armstrong should stay off Twitter and study Magda Goebbels’ biography instead---or at least the Cliffs Notes. One doesn’t just stockpile cyanide. One must also stockpile morphine to kill the children in the most humane way when the cult collapses.

Oh, and retake Cult 101.

Anonymous said...

I think I want to buy a piece of land far away from Franny Armstrong and her deranged friends.