Global Warming is Real. Dr. Michael Mann Chats 07/24 by LettesChat | Blog Talk Radio
[1 hour audio]MILLIONS WILL DIE' without a carbon tax to fix global warming, says a New Jersey U.S. Senate Candidate- YouTube
[16-second video]Germany’s Biggest Energy Company Considers Fleeing Europe | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
German utility E.ON is considering dismantling some European power plants that have been mothballed because of poor profitability and relocating them to faster-growing emerging markets such as Turkey, people familiar with the matter told The Wall Street Journal Wednesday.British Energy Companies May Shut Down Power Plants To Receive Subsidies | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
The boss of one of Britain’s biggest energy companies has warned that the Government’s new plan to stave off the growing threat of blackouts could increase the risk of the lights going out.
Under the plan announced this month, the owners of mothballed power plants would be offered lucrative subsidies to rush them back into action during times of peak demand.
But Keith Anderson, the chief corporate officer of Scottish Power, said that energy companies could deliberately mothball plants that they would otherwise have kept open to make them eligible for the payments. This would cut Britain’s precariously thin spare generating margin even further.
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