Friday, August 16, 2013


Global Sea Ice Area Above Normal In 2013 | Real Science
Global sea ice area has been above normal most of the year, and is averaging 1,600 Manhattans above normal in 2013.
Snow already falling in China - in August!
“Rare summer snowfall in Xinjiang,” reads the headline.
Slowest Arctic Melt On Record | Real Science
Over the last three weeks, Arctic ice area has declined by 662,000 km², which is 60% of normal and the slowest on record.
World Bank urges climate change adaptation support for the Maldives  | Minivan News
The World Bank has expressed the urgent need for concerted efforts to support the Maldives in adapting to climate change, due to a projected 115 centimetres of sea level rise by 2090.
[Settled science update]-Deep ocean to resolve human role in global warming: Wynn
Argo is a recent dataset and so may not be able to distinguish longer natural cycles of ocean warming. And there are difficulties comparing observations before and after the Argo data because of differences in sampling method, instrument and geographical distribution.

In addition, there were initial problems with reliability of the Argo data, which meant accurate conclusions could only be drawn from 2005, and some instrument errors may remain undetected.

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