Saturday, August 17, 2013


The Climate Change Deniers Are Fighting Back | Gene Karpinski
the American people are seeing the effects of climate change right outside their window, from wildfires to droughts to extreme temperatures.
US Summer Maximum Temperatures Plummeting Since 1930 | Real Science
Prior to NOAA data tampering, US summer afternoon temperatures have been plummeting, with the current summer being the eighth coolest on record so far, and almost 3C cooler than 1936.

This does not suit Obama’s agenda, so look for government experts to report the exact opposite of what is happening.
US Summer 47th Coolest On Record | Real Science
Experts are talking about heatwaves and telling us that the US summers are getting much hotter. In fact, this has been the 47th coolest summer on record so far, and there has been no trend in summer temperatures since 1895. Every summer during the 1930s was hotter than 2013.
Both parties trying to be Not-Green in Australian election, Coalition looking better at it. « JoNova
Stick with us overseas readers. The spectacle goes on…

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