Tuesday, September 10, 2013


New Aussie government begins to cut back global warming programs | JunkScience.com
PUBLIC servants are drawing up plans to collapse 33 climate change schemes run by seven departments and eight agencies into just three bodies run by two departments under a substantial rewrite of the administration of carbon abatement schemes under the Coalition.
U.S. Army forced to $7 billion contract with 17 wind companies — Military as dumping ground for green energy junk | JunkScience.com
A U.S. group of wind technology contractors have separately been contracted by the U.S. Army for locally generated, renewable and alternative energy.
Twitter / MCNisbet: Stakes are too high to rely ...
Stakes are too high to rely on our hunches to communicate about & , says
One Hit Per Second | Real Science
The past 24 hours was the busiest non-Drudge linked day I have had on this site, averaging almost one page view per second. A large percentage of the traffic was coming from Facebook. Drudge linked days get a lot more volume, but today was fairly evenly distributed.
Arctic Ice Is The Same Thickness It Was 70 Years Ago | Real Science
In 1940, Arctic sea ice was two metres thick – which is about the same as now.

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