Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Coalition starts axing Australia’s carbon-bureaucrat-machinery « JoNova
The clean up begins. I am smiling.

Just enjoy with me the small sweet pleasure of a day when government waste shrinks. There is no joy in axing jobs of workers, albeit who should never have been employed in the first place. But there is satisfaction in knowing that hundreds of pointless reports and press releases will not have to be debunked, and millions of dollars in taxes can be put to some other use (or returned to taxpayer – I can dream).
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds grasslands are a net source of CO2 to the atmosphere
A paper published today in Biogeosciences unexpectedly finds farmed grasslands are a net annual source of CO2 to the atmosphere, and also a weak methane sink to the atmosphere.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: The green dream is not compatible with billions of the poor in search of higher living standards
The vast majority of the energy and climate debate takes place in the developed world and, understandably, much of this debate is focussed on the developed world itself. However, as clearly shown in the two figures below, the developed world is already of lesser importance when it comes to energy and climate issues and will continue to rapidly lose significance over coming decades.
Confirmed: Greenland reached hottest temperature in modern record this summer
"...the station is an airport station that is not necessarily completely optimal in relation to international guidelines for climatological data measurements.”

But Coppelen said the mere fact the temperature was recorded at an airport is not a reason for it be thrown out as few existing weather observing stations in Greenland are ideally sited.

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