Wednesday, November 06, 2013


Argentina : Frost affects stonefruit in Mendoza
The October 2013 study indicates that, in the case of peaches (fresh and ) and fresh plum, 85% of the crops were lost, 35% of the plum, for processing, 75% of the cherry crops and 90% of the apricot crops were also lost.
Let's dampen the fires of global warming alarmists |
[John Howard] GLOBAL warming is a quintessential public policy issue. Under-standing the science is crucial. So is under-standing the economics. So is understanding that as public monies are involved, rent seekers are thick on the ground.
Climate Change Poll: Many Don't Know Canada Out Of Kyoto Agreement
55 per cent of poll respondents had not heard of cap-and-trade system for emissions reductions.
Expensive Green Energy Policies Are Making Life Difficult For The Poor | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
Green policies are increasingly a luxury that only the rich can afford, yet seem to be living halcyon days in places like Europe and California.

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