For many years, the Ivory Billed Woodpecker was pronounced extinct... but within the last year or so several IBWs have been confirmed and documented in the Cache River and White River forests of eastern Arkansas! What was once thought to be a long-lost creature has made a miraculous comeback and this head is a testament and celebration to the bird's strength and perseverance!
June 17, 1917 In California
59 minutes ago
The continued lack of solid evidence this season is very disappointing. Unless, Cornell is hiding real evidence to protect the birds? That is the only ounce of hope I have. If this season only produces fleeting glimpses, maybe a blurry video and a few double knocks and kents, then I feel it is over for this magnificent bird.
BUT, many will continue to cash in on this as long as people continue to believe...Mallard pointe, tours, speaking engagements, more books etc. It is the american way.
In my opinion, I think it is great for the local folks in Arkansas. I hope they can cash in on this the most...they did not start this.
Gosh, I cannot help but post a lame limerick, after seeing others do the same:
There once was a college whose claim
to woodpecker finding brought fame,
the last of its race?
found in the wrong place?
they're left with some mud on their name.
I’ve been frustrated trying to get “Fitzpatrick” into a poem. I mean, really, what the hell rhymes with Fitzpatrick?
All I could come up with was this…..
Never has a horse been beaten so badly
That is a fact I testify sadly
Nevertheless I give you Fitzpatrick
And the other three of a hat trick.
That includes Tim, Luneau and Bobby too.
And to show that they saw it when it flew
They know all I B W O permutations.
Reminds me of W M D connotations.
Or of science in Bush administrations.
Yes, I know, it’s really, really bad. Why did the guy have to have “Fitzpatrick” for a last name!!!!
Is a bobblehead next?
There once was a researcher, Fitz,
Who embarked on a media blitz.
Though his subject was shy,
Not so with this guy.
His team loved the glamour and glitz.
Alright! Good job!
A bobblehead?!?!
I want one!
I wouldn't buy Luneau's DVD, but I would buy a Fitz bobblehead.
Except it's not really rhyming "Fitzpatrick", just "Fitz".
In playgrounds and parks,
Kids boast their remarks,
With fingers crossed hidden from view.
So Doctor Fitzpatrick,
Familiar with that trick,
Decided that he'd cross his too.
Great! I like that! Good poem too.
This is not the work of mere skeptics - the english department at cornell must have turned on Fitz too.
Hi Skeptics,
How are we going to avoid a bidding war against one another!
Sorry for the long post, but in an effort to encourage the poetry I send the following. It begins on a fine note methinks...catsick is good too (who knwe it was a word!)
1. airsick
2. bailiwick
3. baldrick
4. barwick
5. baudrick
6. bawdrick
7. bedtick
8. benedick
9. berwick
10. bestick
11. blick
12. bloodstick
13. bluetick
14. bootlick
15. brainsick
16. breadstick
17. brick
18. broomstick
19. brunswick
20. candlestick
21. candlewick
22. canstick
23. carrick
24. carsick
25. catstick
26. chadwick
27. chick
28. chopstick
29. click
30. constablewick
31. cottonwick
32. cowlick
33. crabstick
34. crick
35. cusick
36. dabchick
37. derrick
38. dick
39. dipchick
40. dipstick
41. dobchick
42. dogsick
43. dogtrick
44. dominick
45. dornick
46. downtick
47. dropkick
48. drumstick
49. earpick
50. ellachick
51. entrick
52. fenwick
53. fick
54. fiddlestick
55. fingerpick
56. firebrick
57. flagstick
58. flick
59. forestick
60. fossick
61. frederick
62. frick
63. garrick
64. gaverick
65. gearstick
66. gimmick
67. goldbrick
68. gunstick
69. haick
70. handpick
71. hardwick
72. hartwick
73. hayrick
74. heartsick
75. hedrick
76. herrick
77. hick
78. homesick
79. hornick
80. icepick
81. ick
82. joystick
83. kendrick
84. kennewick
85. kick
86. killick
87. kinnikinnick
88. kirkpatrick
89. klick
90. knobstick
91. lerwick
92. lick
93. limerick
94. lipstick
95. lovesick
96. maffick
97. magick
98. mahlstick
99. matchstick
100. maulstick
102. mccormick
103. mckittrick
104. medick
105. medrick
106. merrick
107. mick
108. natick
109. niblick
110. nick
111. nightstick
112. nitpick
113. nonstick
114. nutpick
115. overtrick
116. patrick
117. peachick
118. pelick
119. pick
120. picknick
121. pinprick
122. politick
123. prestwick
124. prick
125. quick
126. redbrick
127. reddick
128. renwick
129. rick
130. roderick
131. rollick
132. schick
133. schtick
134. seasick
135. sedgwick
136. shtick
137. sick
138. sidekick
139. singlestick
140. skerrick
141. slapstick
142. slick
143. slipstick
144. snick
145. spick
146. stick
147. strick
148. swordick
149. thick
150. tick
151. toothpick
152. trevithick
153. trick
154. undertrick
155. unpick
156. unquick
157. unstick
158. uptick
159. waldwick
160. walkingstick
161. wallhick
162. warwick
163. wick
164. willowick
165. wrick
166. yardstick
167. zenick
Well, with the release of the recorded calls I'm nearly convinced now. Doesn't sound like the Blue Jay mimics to me. And for some reason, I never felt the IBW was extinct, call it instinct. I know science considers instinct illogical but I just felt it was still there, for many years. Not enough people looking for it, it is shy and keeps to the big woods except when it travels, just to name a few problems through the years. Plus, even if seen by someone, most people would just think, "Gee, there's another bird, just like the other million I saw today." Not to mention that most people don't pay attention to birds at all, period. To 99% of Americans,
a bird is just a bird. Been there all along. I also think it's a bit more adaptable to conditions than people think it is!!! It is a surviver, like a lot of creatures.
"Gee, there's another bird, just like the other million I saw today."
Actually, they sank to their knees shouting "Lord God, What a Bird!" To do that for every bird would be too time consuming. So it must really stand out, don't you think?
"It is a surviver, like a lot of creatures."
Creatures are temporary survivors. Well over 99.9% of all species that have ever lived are now extinct, including, probably, the IBWO.
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