Saturday, October 27, 2007

Another Birder's World article


An excerpt:
Laurie Fenwood, Ivory-bill recovery coordinator for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, says she's interested in the idea of setting up more advanced camera traps, but the agency does not plan to invest in the equipment this year. "We wouldn't rule it out," she says.

For now, the plan this winter is to rely on small groups of experienced birders and aerial searches by helicopter. If Congress approves the $1.2 million in requested funds for this year's search, helicopters will fly over parts of Arkansas and North Carolina, and possibly Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, and Texas in hopes of spotting an Ivory-bill.

"We don't have the 8x10 glossy photo that everyone wants, but we've accumulated enough evidence that we cannot ignore," Fenwood says.
Since we're told that our very existence may hang in the balance, I trust that they'll find one or more helicopters that don't run on fossil fuel.

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