Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Another report from Bali


...But after a full week of attending plenary sessions and contact groups I can see why the process can be frustrating. I sat in a session about Carbon Capture and Storage last Thursday that exemplified the kind of frustration I think they were referring to. After 45 minutes of discussing how the discussion should take place, the facilitator noted that time was up and dismissed the meeting. Seriously? I was reasonably appalled at the productivity with which such an important part of the global conference was conducted.

1 comment:

Doug said...

Let me see if I have this correct. This self-appointed "reporter" wants the world to spend everything it has to preserve his posh Florida estate, which sits one meter above sea level? Or as he so eloquently puts it: "When it comes to protecting my home from climate change, there is no room for inefficiency." Yessiree. I'll freeze my butt off in winters to come to preserve his poor life choices.