Saturday, December 29, 2007

"Observations and Ramblings of a Polar Bear Watcher"


The problem is everyone is caughtup in this vanishing polar bear syndrome, the momentum is becoming unstoppable, logic is losing ground to a steady barrage of questionable information from every venue. I just don’t see it. What I do see is healthy polar bears going about the business of being bears and dealing with the variances of mother nature while all around them the learned ones lament their demise. Its like the fable ” The Emperor’s New Clothes” no one dares go against the hype in fear of being castigated. Twenty years ago if a researcher came across a polar bear eating another polar bear it would have been duly noted as the nature of the beast and no one would raise an alarm, today it’s a sure sign of global warming… the bears are starving and are turning on one another.

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