Friday, February 15, 2008

The author of Amazon's formerly 186,896th-ranked book speaks

From this article:
[Middle-school principal Jacob Sackin's] first novel for young-adults, “Islands,” explores the story of two families in a futuristic world decimated by global warming.

“One of the ways I deal with knowledge about global warming is to create the worst case scenario,” said Sackin, who borrowed the name of the main character, Saskia, from a student he taught in Oregon.

Sackin’s story tracks the two families in a world that is too hot to live in during the daylight hours. One family lives primitively on the outside, only emerging from their cave at night, while the other lives in a technologically marvelous pyramid that protects it from the elements.
“Just the fact that this is a possible future is really scary to me,” Sackin said.
Just the fact that Sackin could be my kids' principal is scary to me...

Note: I just checked, and the sales ranking of this book was #649,569.

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