The most recent science tells us that unless we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million, we will cause huge and irreversible damage to the earth.Take a careful look at the black line in this graph:
If you see any reason to panic when CO2 is over 350 ppm, please let me know immediately...
wow, so, the level of CO2 emissions and global temperatures are not related - imagine that. We are told over and over that they are. I love iceagenow.com which is the site that sent me to these graphs
The CO2 levels affect on global temperatures was likely offset by vast ammounts of particulate matter in the atmosphere from the midcontinental volcanic ridge that was extremely active 500 million years ago (also the source of the CO2)
If you notice, in the time that humans have existed on this planet, the CO2 levels have remained below 500ppm. Thus, those are optimal conditions for the survival of our species, regardless of how it affects climate. So it makes sense to keep it below that level. Otherwise, the earth's living conditions probably would not be able to sustain us.
Furthermore, the majority of CO2 that is produced by humans comes from processes that also release other pollutants into the air that are harmful to humans and the environment we live in. Whether or not the world is warmed by higher CO2 is the atmosphere, reduction of pollution is still crucial to our survival as a species.
@alejo: Unless CO2 has nothing to do with temperature (as a driver, rather than a follower). Also, the dinosaurs seemed to do just fine back in the Jurassic; Earth must have been covered with absurd amounts of plant biomass to support creatures of that size. I think we'd do just fine. Unless you're worried about the dinosaurs [dramatic pause] coming back?!?
Humans have been around for 1/4 of 1 pixel of that graph. It's hard to deduce anything from that.
alejo I think you will find that humans can handle much higher CO2 than you think. NASA use a level of around 5000 ppm as the base max CO2 level for any real length of time on the space station. I think that they will allow up to 10000 ppm for short periods. I think we have a long way to go before these levels will be created on Earth by mankind.
I do seriously doubt that global warming is a reality. That being said, I would like to see some sort of sources as to the information this graph is supposed to be based off of. I really want to believe it, but, being a scientific minded person, I have a hard time just believing this when it could have been drawn up out of thin air in 5 minutes.
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