Saturday, April 05, 2008

Now Steger deliberately uses explosives to frighten global warming's poster child

From this post:
The talk of the evening is about the polar bear that just visited our camp.

The last miles of the leg today we crossed polar bear tracks many times, and it was not a surprise when it paid us a little visit. It was a middle sized bear just sniffing around our camp to figure out what we were making for dinner. Will shot off a bear banger after a couple of minutes to scare it off and Sam had time to take some pictures...
Update: Check out the "05 Apr 04 Eric Day 06" Audio Dispatch here. Eric says they encountered "a whole bunch of [polar bears]" including "three within three hours"; he says two of the three were "out to eat us".

If polar bears are doing so poorly, why are people continually seeing so many of them?


Layer Seven said...

Tom, you absolutely kill me. I am positively ROFLMAO.



Larry Sheldon said...

"bear banger"

With mash?