Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Oops. Global blowing, not global warming. - Orange Punch - OCRegister.com
It seems the global warming alarmists leaped to yet another conclusion without looking first. So reports two new studies summarized in a news article in Science magazine.

It turns out that wind-induced ocean circulation changes are the dominant cause of the recent ice losses through the glaciers draining both the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets, not “global warming.”

As we are fond of saying, “Oops.”
GLACIOLOGY: Winds, Not Just Global Warming, Eating Away at the Ice Sheets -- Kerr 322 (5898): 33 -- Science
Richard A. Kerr

Two new studies point to random, wind-induced circulation changes in the ocean--not global warming--as the dominant cause of the recent ice losses through the glaciers draining both the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets.

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