Friday, January 09, 2009

Climate realist speaks Jan. 28 | North Dakota News
[An] expert on global warming makes two presentations Wednesday, Jan. 28, for the Bismarck State College Visiting Scientist Series.

Dr. Roy Spencer, principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, addresses fears about global warming at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. in Sidney J. Lee Auditorium, Schafer Hall.

Spencer will present evidence for the possibility that past global warming might have been a mostly natural process due to fluctuations in average cloud cover. He also will discuss what his theory means for future levels of warming.
UK: Ice Age returns to south as the sea freezes over - Portsmouth Today
With temperatures plunging to their lowest in 30 years, ponds, lakes and even the sea have frozen over.
The cold snap has brought us the chilliest nights since 1979: -7C was the lowest this week from Tuesday night through to the early hours of Wednesday.

The icy conditions have even caused sections of Portsmouth Harbour, next to Portchester Water Meadow, to freeze over for the last three days.
Alarmist Lewis Gordon Pugh allegedly astounded world by allegedly becoming 1st person to swim at North Pole, to raise global warming awareness | WcP Blog
He traveled to the geographic North Pole on a Russian icebreaker with a 29- strong back-up team including a mind coach.

To develop his cold sea swimming technique he practiced in a pool filled every day with a ton and a half of ice.
Has Andy Revkin fully investigated Pugh's funding?

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