Sunday, January 25, 2009

Drill, Baby, Drill—in Brazil - Steve Hayward - Planet Gore on National Review Online
From time to time we hear that Brazil has been a great success in becoming more energy self-sufficient especially through an aggressive (meaning heavily subsidized) sugar-ethanol program. But note this story in today's New York Times: Brazil is going to nearly double its investment in offshore oil and gas exploration, to $174 billion over the next five years. This at a time of low oil and gas prices.

So by all means, let's use Brazil as an example of sound energy policy.
Hansen: “The hardest part is trying to influence the nature of the measurements obtained…” « Watts Up With That?
He actually says, in the second paragraph, “The hardest part is trying to influence the nature of the measurements obtained, so that the key information can be obtained.”

To me this sounds like spin for “The hardest part is making the numbers show what I want them to”. Let’s see how long it takes for that sentence in the NASA GISS website to get changed.
Climate Research News » Some Reactions to Antarctic ‘Warming’ Study

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