Friday, January 09, 2009

I'd still like to see a spreadsheet laying out the details of those 7 million jobs Obama promised to "create"

Efficiency Help Wanted - Green Inc. Blog -
Training and technical schools would also be needed to teach some of these skills, Mr. Burt said — adding that, in all, some 56,000 new workers and 14,000 project managers would be needed to realize Mr. Obama’s one-year goals.

“Then there would be thousands of new accountants and office staff needed to support this volume of work, folks to verify savings and quality assurance professionals,” Mr. Burt said. “Someone will have to train all of these new employees and someone will have to manufacture the products they install.”
The Obama Promise: Five Million New Green Jobs : Red, Green, and Blue
“We’ll create 5 million new, high-wage jobs by investing in the renewable sources of energy that will eliminate the oil we currently import from the Middle East in 10 years, and we’ll create 2 million jobs by rebuilding our crumbling roads, schools, and bridges.”

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