Kind of a funny morning to be listening to a story about glob... on TwitPic
Kind of a funny morning to be listening to a story about global warming. Heh. Heh.This reminds me: Why haven't we seen Bill Gates himself publicly preaching climate alarmism?
VFI members are invited to join our “Climate Change: What can technology do to help?” Live Meeting (26th January 3pm-4pm) to learn about the ICT sector and how it is responding to the challenge of climate change. Microsoft speakers from our economic development and government affairs team will cover:The Rich and Famous and Carbon Offsets
• The trends in the ICT sector on this issue
• What Microsoft is doing to be a good environmental citizen
• What you can do: Microsoft and partner technologies to help reduce carbon footprints
It’s OK to have a carbon footprint if you pay enough. You do this by buying carbon offsets. These are used by politicians, environmentalists, movie stars, athletes, and others to claim the impact of their high-consumption lifestyles on the environment can be canceled out by paying someone else to invest in carbon-reducing initiatives, reports Lorrie Goldstein.
Many famous people who are for sustainability and against global warming live in many very big houses, drive many very big cars, and fly in private jets. If you travel frequently by air, even on commercial flights, you can’t escape having a huge carbon footprint. Yet many of the most vocal advocates of cutting emissions—politicians, entertainers, environmentalists, journalists, scientists—are continually jetting off to campaign events and conferences and workshops. Are they going to change the way they operate? If not, how are they going to persuade anyone else to cut back emissions, asks John Tierney. [Via An Honest Climate Debate]
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