Tuesday, January 06, 2009

LDK & More Solar Peer Pressure
LDK Solar Co., Ltd. (NYSE: LDK) is living up to the doubts that many investors had in this stock. When times were good for solar and alternative energy players, many questioned the Chinese company. Now times are tough, and the news looks tough inside the doors at LDK. Unfortunately this is something solar investors have had to brace for now that the economy is softening and now that low energy prices are making many alternative energy projects not economically viable.

The solar wafer maker lowered its Q4 revenue expectations by some 23% as its customers have delayed shipments...
Leo Hickman: It will be interesting to see how climate change sceptics react as Václav Klaus, one of their own, takes over the EU presidency
But I don't join those who fear Klaus's spell in the hot seat. In contrast, I'm looking forward to his pronouncements, especially if they deal with climate change. Another popular refrain from the sceptics is that the world's political class has "bought this climate change puppy hook, line and sinker". It will be interesting to see how the sceptics react now that they have a staunch champion in high office, albeit on a short-term tenancy. Bright light is rarely flattering.
Tim Ball: Sustaining the Unsustainable
Mahatma Gandhi identified four phases in the transition to the truth. “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.” I believe, based on a career educating people about climate change, that we are in the third phase. Claims of doom are more extreme as they try to sustain the unsustainable. Al Gore the master of alarmism says, “This year coming up is the most important opportunity the world has ever had to make progress in really solving the climate crisis.” Stanford biologist Terry Root claims, “We’re out of time. Things are going extinct.” Like others who make similar claims he doesn’t name one. Sorry Terry, extinction is normal and has occurred far more rapidly in the past. It is a natural pattern that has always occurred and always will. Source

The scam is being exposed with increasing speed. The most frequent comment I get after a presentation is, “I had my suspicions, but I didn’t know enough to know.” That, like the climate, is changing.

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