Poznan as a Precursor to Copenhagen? by EU Energy Policy Blog
The acrimonious and unproductive debate in Poznan shows difficulties facing negotiators in December.DC Republican Examiner: Who knew? Global Warming causes war too
During December, as the EU heads of state were debating their collective global climate change policies in Brussels, delegates from 190 countries were gathered at a UN-sponsored climate change conference in Poznan, Poland to discuss a replacement to Kyoto Protocols, which expire in 2012.
The gathering had all the hallmarks of prior UN-sponsored events such as Bali. It was acrimonious, unproductive and inconclusive. To produce a vaguely worded communiqué the conference had to be extended 9 hours beyond the official close. Its only useful contribution was to show the deep divide between the rich and the poor and to point to the difficulties facing negotiators who will meet in December in Copenhagen to draft an international agreement on climate change.
Question: If Global Warming causes war, does Global Cooling cause peace? If Global Warming will cause trauma, massive population displacement, and battles for resources, would Global Cooling cause harmony and tranquility to reign the world over? If we do everything these Kool-Aid drinking whack-jobs want us to do to reduce Global Warming, will there be world peace?
Wouldn't Global Cooling be worse? Wouldn't countries fight more over increasingly frozen sea-lanes, rather than ones that were opening up due to melting ice? Wouldn't they fight more for shrinking cropland due to creeping Global Cooling? Wouldn't they fight for natural resources to thaw frozen populations rather than for resources to cool them off?
The world continues its natural cycle of warming and cooling. That we are in a period of Global Cooling, and people still write articles like this shows how fanatical they are. Fanatics never let the facts get in the way of their hysterical rants. And as the laughter directed at them grows, they just yell louder and louder.
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