Sunday, January 25, 2009

Why Do the Alarmists Feel Bad About Debates–and Debating? — MasterResource
Mr. Romm has all but conceded that the skeptics of climate alarmism beat the alarmists in debate, posting about it here and here. He blames it on the dishonesty of the "deniers," but in fact they might have a much stronger intellectual and practical case. And I dare say that Romm does not feel he did particularly well against Taylor in their online debate and is not itching to debate him again, particularly in person.

But if I am wrong, I say: let’s get a big audience for it. Make the stakes high. Sell tickets. Poll the audience. It will be that entertaining!
A cold, fossil-fueled trip to watch a fossil-fueled TV image of the guy who pledges to end our use of fossil fuel in a futile, enormously expensive attempt to make the world an even colder place
All told, we spent some 45 hours on the bus and traveled 2,100 miles round-trip. We endured bitter cold, a power outage in our hotel and a broken heater that dropped the bus cabin temperature to 41 degrees as we returned to South Florida. All to see the inauguration on Jumbotrons spread across the mall for the world's biggest watch party.

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