Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Wind Watch: Alleged savings are cut by half
Now, suddenly, and with no public fanfare, the BWEA’s website has been altered to read “BWEA calculations use a static figure representing the energy mix in the UK: 430g CO²/kw/h”. Such is the power of the Advertising Standards Authority to reveal the truth!

As we all knew, there had been gross exaggeration by this industry. The saving by the existing wind farms is half, or less, of the promise; planning consents were flawed, and all future plans for wind power will need twice as many machines for the same saving of CO² emission.
Wind Watch: Wind turbine industry takes a hit; LM Glasfiber announces mass lay-offs in Denmark as a result of the on-going financial crisis
Wind turbine blade producer LM Glasfiber has announced that it is to fire one fifth of its Danish workforce in what is being called the biggest domestic firing-round of recent times.
Global harming - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
...No, Mr. Hursh, the worst thing that could happen if you're wrong is that all the proposed "solutions" (so far) would destroy America's economy, which means you've killed America's ability to spread the concept of individual freedom throughout the planet.

Plus, the trillions of dollars' worth of productivity you'd have wasted (if you are wrong) could have helped address problems we know for a fact are real right now -- hunger, disease, oppression.

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