Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rethinking a global post-Kyoto solution | The Japan Times Online
Prins said the only way to save the Copenhagen meeting from failure would be to shift away from the top-down approach of the Kyoto framework, and end the quest for tighter emissions targets, closer timetables and more binding regulations.

Public opinion would also have to be taken into account just as the world faces a deep recession, the professor said.
"The United States under President Obama would no more sign the Kyoto Protocol than it would have done under President George W. Bush," Prins said. However, you can expect an aggressive set of actions from the Obama administration on the supply side, on research and development of new energy, and renovation of the country's power-generation infrastructure, he added.
Alarmist "study": CO2 emissions to result in Washington state deaths
The 2007 Legislature paid for the report being released Wednesday to help policymakers plan for the future...Researchers project that by 2025 there could be 101 more deaths among people 45 and older because of heat waves.
Global warming targets will only be met by making it easy to go green - Telegraph
The UK will only make a difference to global warming by "taking the hassle out of going green", according to Lord Chris Smith, Chairman of the Environment Agency.
Why a cold winter doesn't mean climate change is behind us - Ars Technica
Should the current dip turn into a longer trend, then it would be cause for a significant revision of our understanding of the climate. The clearest indication of whether that's going to happen might be the next time an El Niño arrives—assuming Mount Pinatubo doesn't go off again in the meantime.

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