Sunday, March 08, 2009

Environmental and Urban Economics: Ed Prescott Comments on Climate Change Mitigation Efforts
I just stumbled upon this powerpoint slide by the Nobel Laureate Ed Prescott.
Dr. Prescott writes:

"Three Dangers

1. The U.S. Congress will increase tax rates and depress the American economy
This is happening in Germany, Hungary, and Italy

2. Anti free-trade, anti-globalization sentiment will become dominant

3. Crazy things will be done in a futile effort to reduce greenhouse gases"
Countries that block global climate change deal will be isolated, says Ed Miliband | Environment |
Climate minister says Obama's commitment to environment has raised prospects of global agreement at UN summit in December
Steve Bankhead: Carbon tax will benefit ... government
As a carbon-based life form exhaling carbon dioxide on a very regular basis, I prefer thinking carbon isn't an evil substance threatening the existence of life on Earth. And objective evidence indicates that even if it is, there are larger forces than humanity changing its levels. Besides, the vast majority of CO2 atmospheric releases result from ocean cycles, volcanism and vegetation decomposition. So what point is there in political leaders attempting to control our carbon output if the only real result from their efforts will be higher taxes, bigger government, and greater government control of human activity?

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