Youth Climate Leaders convene for a PowerShift
The conference was a mecca for an emerging movement - youth leaders who are coming together to promote a new vision of economic recovery, social justice, and energy security founded on a stable climate and sustainable communities nationwide.Dennis Avery: Natural Global Warmings Have Become More Moderate
This week, at the 2nd international conference of man-made warming skeptics sponsored by the Heartland Institute in New York, I’ll predict the earth’s warming/cooling trends for the 21st century.Michael Goldfarb: Obama's Global Warming Straddle
I will be among splendid company such as John Coleman, founder of the weather channel, Ross McKitrick, who debunked the “hockey stick” study, physicist Willie Soon, and many other presenters with brilliant credentials. A thousand scientists, economists, and skeptics from every walk of life will meet to discuss the current climate indicators.
...I’ll predict a cooling planet for the next 25-30 years, because of the D-O cycle’s solar linkage. The sunspots began predicting cooling back in 2000, and it arrived a bit early, in 2007. CO2’s correlation with our temperatures over the past 150 years is only 22 percent. The correlation with sunspots is 79 percent—What does the UN think caused the 500 previous D-O cycles in the ice cores and seabed records?
The other reason for not hurrying up with a carbon tax may well be that the science underlying climate-change alarmism has taken a beating. "It's been a catastrophic year" for global warming activists, says Christopher Horner of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, an industry-funded think-tank. All of a sudden, "the observations are very inconvenient."
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