Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We're saved!: Farmers “Steaking” a Claim in Mini-Cows for Jumbo Profits | Discoblog | Discover Magazine
These mini-mooers might also be more environmentally friendly than bigger bovines. Fans say they produce less methane, a gas linked to global warming. And because they eat less, they help keep grazing fields greener and healthier.
Cool start to spring puts birds behind - Lacombe Globe - Alberta, CA
Birds like purple martins and tree swallows may be having a tougher time this spring catching something to eat said Pearman, as the cold weather hasn’t been favourable to insects either.

Pearman has said she is concerned about are the Mountain bluebirds.

“I think the bluebird numbers are down,” she said. “They were hit hard by all the snow and cold last year which was fatal for so many. I don’t think their numbers have improved much.”
All British Homes Should Be Painted White
It is estimated according to the Department of Health’s Heatwave Plan for England, which is focused on adapting the UK in the face of climate change, that repainting an average brick home will cost about £3,750, changing the flooring costs £2,000, and ceiling fan installation about £545.
Coaltion MPs 'doubt ETS will work' - National News - National - General - The Canberra Times
Most of the MPs in the federal coalition don't think an emissions trading scheme will deliver reductions in carbon pollution, veteran Liberal MP Wilson Tuckey says.
Crazed person tries to convince children that wormeries will improve the world's weather
Dr David Reay, the author, usually devotes his time to teaching university students, as director of a new carbon management course at Edinburgh University.

However, the father of two hopes his latest project, called "Your Planet Needs You!", will inspire younger minds.

"The children show Maximus that he can be a climate superhero using techniques like renewable energy and composting and wormeries," said Dr Reay.

"I have always wanted a superhero for climate change – that someone would come out of the ether and be able to stop it. But we know that's not going to happen.

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