Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Final Words From Shell’s Departing C.E.O. - Green Inc. Blog - NYTimes.com
...if you look at the world, in every scenario we make, oil and gas and coal, or fossil fuels, will still account for 70 to 80 percent of demand in 30 years. Because of questions of affordability, environmental acceptability, and security, they still score fairly well compared with other forms of energy.
BBC - Climate Change: The Blog of Bloom: Bikes: a zero-carbon ticket to infertility?
'Indeed, if you look back in our history, only 40 years ago cycling was much more common and there is no evidence from that time that men were less fertile. In fact, quite the contrary - the post-war baby boom proves that', he concludes.
[Seems a bit odd, given that the Earth is allegedly overheating so quickly that we don't even have time to read 300-page climate swindle amendments before passing them]
OLD DEERFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) - One of the tell tale signs of summer is the first sight of farm stand corn on the cob, but veterans farmers told 22News we might have to wait a little longer than usual.

"We've had this cold weather, wet weather not conducive to growing corn. It likes a lot of heat and sun which we just haven't had this year," said Franklin County Farmer Frank Ciesluk.
The corn crop is traditionally ready by the 4th of July weekend but won't hit its peak this year until a week to 10 days later.

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