Monday, July 13, 2009

[Remember, this is all about trying to tweak atmospheric carbon dioxide in an insane attempt to "improve" the world's weather]: Carbon finance specialists emerging
For some time now, securities lawyers have been trying to position themselves as the go-to lawyers on carbon trading.

“When it comes to the actual trading, that makes sense,” says Dianne Saxe, an environmental lawyer in Toronto. “But before you can sell something you have to understand it, create it, and have it recognized, and that’s where the environmental lawyers fit in.”

Indeed, offsets are emerging as a powerful financing instrument, particularly to cover capital investment. But offsets have no inherent value. They are no more than an artificial obligation to reduce emissions expressed in a legal document called an offset.
Cleantech’s pervasiveness also explains why so many non-billable hours are going into cleantech practice marketing.

“Cleantech and carbon finance take up all of my business development time,” Hendrickson says. “We’re just waiting for a proper regulatory regime to evolve in Canada, which is when all that work should start to pay off.”
Twitter / minimonos
Now speaking: Evan Thornley, CEO, Better Place Australia
Twitter / Kaila Colbin
Cost of driving electric vehicle 1 km down the road is 1/7 the cost of petrol vehicle #tcpaps
Twitter / Kaila Colbin
"It's fantastic to be in a room full of people who are devoting their lives to solving the biggest problem of our time" Thornley

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