SEC Turnaround Sparks Sudden Look at Climate Disclosure -
Federal regulators are preparing to launch "a very serious look" at requiring corporations to assess and reveal the effects of climate change on their financial health, according to a commissioner on the Securities and Exchange Commission.Alexander to Unveil GOP Climate Change [Hoax] Plan - Roll Call
"I think with the changes in the environment and everything that's been happening, it's really time for us to take another very serious look at the disclosure system in this area," Elisse Walter, one of five commissioners at the SEC, told E&E on Friday. "I think it's a very serious issue."
"We have a lot of internal education to do," she said. "This obviously is not an agency populated with climate experts, and we're going to talk to everyone who is knowledgeable in the area, who's willing to talk to us. We'll educate ourselves, and then we'll decide -- the staff will decide -- what to put before the commission or not."
Senate Republicans will float new climate change legislation Monday that leans heavily on the use of nuclear power, calls for more spending on research and development, and promotes an increase in offshore oil and gas drilling.TH!NK ABOUT IT - european blogging competition - Homepage
TH!NK2 Climate Change is a 3 month blogging competition with a focus on UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (COP15) in December 2009. 81 bloggers from Europe with featured guests from India, China Brazil and the USA, representing the world's biggest players in climate policy, will come together on the European Journalism Centre's platform, to exchange ideas and debate the issues of climate change.Carbon [swindle] market in rude health, awaits U.S.: BarCap | Green Business | Reuters
Participants are encouraged to report about stories in their own back yards; to bring out the local side of a global issue. The aim is to create a portal into the minds of 81 people, to show how each one experiences the effects of Climate Change policies every day.
LONDON (Reuters) - The global carbon emissions market is thriving in the wake of the economic meltdown, but its future rests on a landmark climate [hoax] bill currently incubating in the U.S. Senate, Barclays Capital's head of environmental markets said.
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