Monday, August 24, 2009 - Energy Expert: 'Cap and Trade' a Leftist Plot
"The main thing to consider is that once you get a cap and trade system in place, you have an energy-rationing scheme locked into law, regulation, public policy," said Lewis. "From then on, the debate will only be over how much faster to tighten the cap, how much more stringent the restriction on fossil energy use will be."
CNBC’s Parent Station General Electric Is Q2’s Top Lobby Spender With $7.2 Million, A 60% Increase From Q1 | Bear Market Investments
The good old cash-for-favors system, known as lobbying, is in full swing again, with General Electric valiantly leading the pack of beltway brown-nosers, having spent $7.2 million in Q1 for various lobby purposes. This represents a 60% increase over the $4.5 million spent in Q1 and $1.8 million over Q2 of 2008. Ironically, General Electric, which with AIG, is at the forefront of hobbled companies who continue existing solely thanks to generous taxpayer bailouts in various forms, was by far the biggest lobbying contributor, with only Chevron spending over $6 million in Q2 of 2009. GE’s $7.2 million represents a recycled taxpayer spend to promote private interests of $160,000 for every single day that Congress was in session.
Sound Politics: Parsing Dave Reichert
7. The strategy of the Democrats has been to plant the notion that only "moderate" Republicans are electable. You really have to be on the alert for this tactic.

Conservatives don't vote for people who support "cap and trade", and oppose drilling for our own oil in the same manner as Democrats. Ecomonic circumstances certainly contributed to McCain's defeat, but he surely demonstrated that a "moderate" Republican who entirely is in the tank with Al Gore and his "climate change" scam is not who the majority of Americans, who are conservatives, will elect. The Democrats know this and so they rub their hands in glee over guys like Reichert.
Skeptic's Corner: Going global loco local
So the report being cited in this Reuter's story, despite the environmental minister's caution, represents that greenhouse gasses from military convoys are melting glaciers. That somehow harmless carbon dioxide is being spewed from trucks into the local environment and is reeking havoc on the local ecosystem.

This is one of the problems with the entire AGW mania. The idea that greenhouse gasses are a pollutant and an increase would cause local warming is not only believed but promoted through the media. This is just one example of the absurdity that this movement has taken us but no more absurd than an entire generation being taught that using mercury laden light bulbs is going to save the polar bears.

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