Tuesday, October 13, 2009

[Allegedly] Keeping their eyes on economics, protestors [allegedly] ignore climate change science
Regardless of these political arguments, reducing carbon emissions is almost universally seen as essential in reducing human damage to the environment. Cap and trade measures present obvious difficulties that should be debated, but the CFACT protestors offered no viable alternative that will both aid the economy and reduce these harmful effects. They have instead focused their argument upon being skeptical of complex scientific research, which, in addition to the trends of climate change, often display great amounts of natural variability. Most debates that get interpreted as scientific dissent about climate change really only focus on how to create future projections about temperature and rising sea levels, not the fact that climate change really exists now.
How Captain Cook's ship logs are helping scientists chart global climate change | Mail Online
Some ship logs have already revealed evidence that climate change may not be as rapid as believed, with many charting little or no change in Arctic sea temperatures compared with today.
Austria sees earliest snow in history, and America sees lowest temperatures in 50 years: So where did global warming go? | Mail Online
In the freezing foothills of Montana, a distinctly bitter blast of revolution hangs in the air.

And while the residents of the icy city of Missoula can stave off the -10C chill with thermals and fires, there may be no easy remedy for the wintry snap's repercussions.

1 comment:

Ayrdale said...

Hi. It's been a very unpleasant few weeks for global warming/climate scare zealots, and as you'll have seen, even the (these days) left wing BBC is hedging its bets...



Kia ora from New Zealand.