Thursday, October 15, 2009

An Englishman's Castle: +++ Concerns with Met Office Precipitation Data +++
This plot seems to be making some sort of climate change case. It raised some concerns in my mind, including: averaging over a 4-month winter, including March, and a 2-month summer, rather than the usual 3-month periods; normalisation with respect to the average for each 'season' over the period 1961-90, which introduces a zero re-basing and a scaling. Having looked at the input data, there is also clearly some heavy smoothing in time, which is not mentioned, described or justified.
Parked plows provoke further snow frustration | Michael Platt | Columnists | News | Calgary Sun
You heard right, Calgary. As you were parked in rush-hour traffic, frozen in place by roads too slippery to drive and intersections glazed over with ice, only 56 of Calgary 93 sanders were on the job.
Why indeed, with Mayor Dave Bronconnier requesting a few million dollars be added to Calgary's $22-million snow-removal budget, to get more equipment on the street.
Of life, laughter and liturgy . . .: Climate change, me, the world and ringing bells 350 times
On this blog action day on climate change I'm in Crete. It's an island, you can get here by boat or by plane. In the five days before I got here I took six different planes. Not something I'm proud of at all. Also not very enjoyable as I am not fond of airports or planes. When I travel in Europe I try really hard to organise myself to take the train, but sometimes circumstances just don't allow for that. I should doubtless try harder.
Gordon Brown’s blog on climate change |
Climate change is the biggest threat to all our futures. It will affect every individual, every family, every community, every business and every country.
I will go to the talks in December if it means we will get an agreement and I am urging other leaders to join me.
Sarah and I are trying to do our bit. In Downing Street, we are composting, recycling, using energy-saving light bulbs and buying locally-sourced and sustainable food whenever possible. It’s little things like this which will make a big difference if we all do them.
Oct '09: Few think climate change will hit them, kids | Top News | Reuters
LONDON (Reuters) - Less than half of Britons believe climate change will affect them during their lifetime and fewer than a fifth think it will disturb their children, a government survey showed Friday.

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