Peter Foster: Nobel win misses the point - FP Comment
The media have wrongly connected Elinor Ostrom's Nobel win to the climate-change controversyLast Friday, global warming’s poster boy, Al Gore, spoke to the Society of Environmental Journalists’ convention in Madison, Wisconsin.
It’s hard to believe that such a sophisticated analyst would really believe that subsidizing solar panels or encouraging bike lanes could help address the threat of Armageddon.
The Society of Environmental Journalists and the propagandists they assist are nothing but the feeding trough for caldrons of slop, stirred by statist politicians and elitist social engineers.Scaling Back En Route To Copenhagen | Triple Pundit
...hopefully the consensus now is that too many people have put in too much work to accept failure as an option.Al & Me | CEJournal
The first guy, Phelim McAleer, is a climate change skeptic best described as a Michael Moore of The Right, and he has touched off something of a cybercascade of patent silliness on conservative blogs and talk shows.This is global cooling? | CEJournal
But I was there, and what I saw was something of a clown making a scene and hogging the microphone from about a dozen other journalists who were waiting to ask their own tough questions.
This map shows how temperature over the land and oceans during June through August varied from the 1960-1991 base period [how was this base period chosen, and how was the data collected and "adjusted"?]. There must be one of those lonely blue dots right over Marc Morano’s house. Otherwise, how to explain his insistence that the globe is cooling when it’s plastered with all those red dots?
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